Great Move Realty is veteran owned and operated by yours truly, Mike Love. 


Military service was in my blood and I come from a long line of military service in my family. My grandfather flew a B17 in WWII, my father served in Vietnam and both uncles served in the Korean war. I’m an active member of the American Legion Post 566 in Akron and the Riders group (motorcycle riders that do a lot of charity work). Service members and veterans hold a very special place in my heart. I’m extremely honored to be a part of this legacy and brotherhood.

In high school, I scored high on the ASVAB test and qualified for the Nuclear Program.  When I learned about the extra money you could make on a nuclear-powered submarine and that submariners were considered the elite of the Navy, I volunteered. 

What they didn’t tell me was that at the time, Nuke school was the second hardest school in the US.  When I arrived the C.O. said, “Look around, 56% of you won’t make it to graduation.”  After about three weeks I received my first “F” on a test.  At that point I was put on mandatory 35 hours per week of study time.  I was lucky to have a Senior Chief friend who sat me down and gave me some priceless advice.  He taught me study habits, how to handle stress by exercise, and stressed the positive mental attitude that I would need to be successful.  I buckled down and studied my tail off.  All our study materials were classified Confidential so you couldn’t study in the barracks.  You had to sign in and sign out of the study building.  I went to school for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and studied 5 hours per day for 7 days a week over the next 47 weeks.  I ended up graduating #2 in my class.

I was stationed onboard the USS Helena (SSN725) out of Pearl Harbor as an EM (Electrician’s Mate).  I though Nuke school was tough but life on board the boat was even tougher.  Most of the time I stood 12-hour watches and in between had to study my qualifications.  I had to know about every system in the boat, not just “my gear” that was in the engine room.  Every crew member counted on one another and if you didn’t know what valve to turn in an emergency, your failure could cost the lives of everyone on board.  The comradery was great however after a few weeks underwater without eating fresh vegetables, tempers grew short and those were some of the most trying times for me.  Navigating people successfully was very challenging back then but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I’m blessed to have gone through all that. 

I made a lot of friends whom I will never forget during my service.  Since then, I’ve met many more veterans and am deeply honored to call them brothers and sisters.  If you’re a vet and considering buying or selling a home, I’d be honored to serve you.  We have a veteran discount that we offer to sellers and a portion of all our commissions goes to helping various veteran charities including Truth and Honor and Wounded Warrior Project.  Thank you for your service.  

Looking for a VA specialized agent? Mike has often deals with VA mortgages and has two himself. Learn the pros and cons of using a VA loan in the current market. Call, email, text, or flash us Morse code today!